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New Skills for transformative practice: resilience
July 4, 2024 @ 11:30 - 16:30
Please register here.
For weißensee students: We’ll also prepared an Incom-workspace for each topic. We would also ask you to fill out the form for our further data collection.
RESILIENCE: 2 Sessions, Thu, 27.6. und Thu, 4.7.2024
Session 1: Livable ambiguity. An antidote.
Thursday, June, 27th from 10am – 3pm @Prof. Mensa
„When demagogues peddle the illusions of certainty, we need the antidote of liveable ambiguity. In unstable times, we need a restless art.“ – François Matarasso
The ability to engage with ambiguity in creative ways can help us perceive systems as transformable and ourselves and other beings as self-effective and collaborative actors. How do we perceive ambiguities? What happens in the spaces in between? And what possibilities emerge from multiple concerns and ways of living? This workshop is designed as an open process in where we move through ambiguities from different directions.
with Sandra Stark
Sandra Stark is an artist and somatic practitioner. Drawing on the concept of embodied ecologies and building on an understanding of ‘community’ that encompasses all living beings and natural forces, Sandra experiments with new forms of relationship-based ecological action, empathy and response/ability by tapping into bodies’ potential and agency in shaping environments. Sandra currently teaches at weißensee school of art and design and at University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde.
Session 2: Roots, Roads & Rainbows
Thursday, July 4th from 11:30am – 4:30pm @Aula
We want to give artists the opportunity to connect with their inner motivation and sharpen their artistic vision for themselves. Our most important tool for this is our own body as a place of deep feelings and valuable knowledge. Close contact with other participants and input from our political, performative and somatic practice create a framework that places the individual process in a collective context.
with Diana Sirianni and Jolika Sudermann-van den Berg
Diana Sirianni studied philosophy in Rome and fine arts at the UdK Berlin and has exhibited her artistic work internationally. Her political, critical perspective is combined with an interest in emotional processes and embodiment as a tool for personal and social change. She is a somatic bodyworker and co-founded the collectives Heart*istic on the topic of artist liberation and Women* Making Art in Public Space. www.dianasirianni.com
Jolika Sudermann-van den Berg completed her studies in contemporary physical theatre (mime) at the Amsterdam University of the Arts in 2010. Her performances, some of which have won awards, have been shown at numerous European venues and in the USA. Cultivating the ability to listen is central to both her choreographic work and her work as a teacher and workshop leader. www.jolika.theaterblogs.de
**RESILIENCE is one of four thematic focuses of the seekicks programme „New skills for creative transformative practice“ in SoSe24. Participation in at least 3 of the 4 thematic focuses can be credited with 2 ECTS points.**
Click here for the other focal topics:
Transformation: seekicks.org/event/new-skills-transformation/2024-04-23/
Scopes of action: seekicks.org/event/new-skills-scopes-of-action/2024-06-04/
Networks: seekicks.org/event/new-skills-networks/